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Carilyn Ibsen PLLC
Defending Clients in North Carolina and South Carolina

Attorney Carilyn Ibsen's Blog

about Criminal Defense in North Carolina and South Carolina


Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Charlotte Criminal Attorney's Perspective on Traffic

My criminal law office is in the South Charlotte area. I like it that way- many criminal attorneys in the Charlotte area have their office next door to the courthouse. They prefer that. But I like the fact that my clients can find parking and not have to pay for it. I prefer my rent compared to uptown rent.  Many times my clients never have to see the Mecklenburg or Gaston county courthouse. They prefer a trip to uptown be reserved for a Panther game or a Saturday evening at the Epicenter. They rather a trip to Gaston County be for the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens , not the courthouse or my office.

However, occasionally the frustration does set in when I experience the bottleneck of traffic at the I485 and I77.  So my interest was peaked this morning when I saw the article in the Charlotte Observer, Making a case for urban road money, where the Observer reported that the DOT spent an average $3,756 for each North Carolinian during the past 10 years, but $2,967 per person in the most populous county, Mecklenburg. Yet, the county with the fewest people, Tyrrell, got the most road money. The article is worth a read. It is a hot topic- by 9:30AM online comments to the article were increasing.

You can't help but question where all the money goes. As a practicing criminal defense lawyer in the Charlotte area, I know police are still issuing traffic tickets, DUI/DWI arrests still occur on a daily basis, and I see the daily line of people paying their criminal fines at the courthouse. Did you know the minimum fine on a traffic ticket is $130! I'll keep doing my part and keep my clients out of that line. Meanwhile we have traffic bottlenecks, potholes and the Charlotte Observer to stir up the controversy.


posted by Carilyn Ibsen at


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