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Carilyn Ibsen PLLC
Defending Clients in North Carolina and South Carolina

Attorney Carilyn Ibsen's Blog

about Criminal Defense in North Carolina and South Carolina


Monday, January 2, 2012

A Second Chance at Success, Cont....

Almost a year ago, I wrote about a case I had in juvenile court. I called it A Second Chance At Success. This youngster was likely facing a disposition that would result in a lengthy term at a Youth Development Center in North Carolina. Called YDC, many juveniles call it prison for kids. Thankfully, this child ended up going into foster placement. I saw stability in this young person's life that never existed before. Whether this young adult would succeed or not, it  was in their own hands now.

I often tell my young clients, the best gift they can give themselves is a signed order from a judge that terminates their probation. Successful completion. I received a copy of an order over Christmas that terminated the child's probation in this case. What a nice Christmas gift for not only the attorney, but for this young adult.

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Anonymous Heather said...

Nice post which This youngster was likely facing a disposition that would result in a lengthy term at a Youth Development Center in North Carolina. Called YDC, many juveniles call it prison for kids. Thanks a lot for posting this article.

September 3, 2012 at 1:33 PM  

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