Baby on Board!
We have all heard the stories people tell police officers when they get caught speeding. Some of them are very true and some are probably better left untold. How about the women in labor going to the hospital? Far fetched but very true. These parents to be were speeding to the hospital after the wife's water broke. They saw the blue lights behind them. The husband called 911 and told the 911 operator that he wasn't going to pull over because his wife was about to have a baby. The police officer following them ends up giving the couple a police escort to the hospital. The baby was born 6 minutes after they arrived at the hospital. I can tell you it takes more than 6 minutes for an officer to conduct a traffic stop. After the baby was born, the police officer hands over a speeding ticket to the husband, stating "Congratulations, but I will see you in court. Here is a video about the story:
The Police Department is supporting the officer's actions, stating that the husband put other people in danger when he drove at speeds over 90 mph. Many would disagree with the position of the police department. Meanwhile, the husband has a court date. I imagine he will be taking the baby with him.
Legal Updates Provided by The Law Office of Carilyn Ibsen PLLC (888)543-2427
The Police Department is supporting the officer's actions, stating that the husband put other people in danger when he drove at speeds over 90 mph. Many would disagree with the position of the police department. Meanwhile, the husband has a court date. I imagine he will be taking the baby with him.
Legal Updates Provided by The Law Office of Carilyn Ibsen PLLC (888)543-2427
Labels: news, traffic-ticket

When I saw this story on the news and then here in your blog I was reminded of a ticket I received for speeding in a school zone (20 in a 15 MPH zone). It was March 1984. The baby on board was born on February 14, 1984. I had just dropped off my 3 year old at pre-school, when I was stopped for speeding. In Alaska this type of offense requires a court appearance. So a few weeks later I went to court. I took the baby with me, as I did not have someone to watch him that day. While waiting for my case to be heard I listened to other people's explanations. They were entertaining and I thought to myself that I could at least explain that I was three weeks post partum, tired, distracted, etc. was soon my turn. The magistrate listened to my tale of woe and took mercy on me, particularly after meeting the baby. He was going to dismiss the charges completely, until....the clerk of the court reminded him that because it was a school zone he had to make me pay a minimal fee!
Maybe the Mr. Coughlin will have his whole ticket dismissed.
Thanks for your story- anyone with children can relate. I have a feeling Mr. Coughlin will have a good resolution to his case.
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