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Carilyn Ibsen PLLC
Defending Clients in North Carolina and South Carolina

Attorney Carilyn Ibsen's Blog

about Criminal Defense in North Carolina and South Carolina


Monday, August 3, 2009

Possession of deadly weapon case dismissed- police can't always search your car!

A few weeks back I wrote about the US Supreme Court case Arizona v. Gant. The Court took a very big step and limited car searches by police officers in certain circumstances. Last week, my client had her case dismissed due to the Arizona v. Gant ruling. Accused of possession of a deadly weapon, the police had found the knife as a result of a car search where her friend was arrested. I came to court with case in hand, ready to run my motion to suppress. However, I have to tip my hat to the Assistant District Attorney handling the case- he read the case, talked to the police officer, and dismissed my case. Something that didn't start well for my client, all ended well...
posted by Carilyn Ibsen at


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