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Attorney Carilyn Ibsen's Blog

about Criminal Defense in North Carolina and South Carolina


Monday, October 8, 2012

Juvenile Crime Decreases

Juvenile crime in North Carolina has decreased.According to statistics cited in Saturday's Charlotte Observer, violent crimes have decreased by almost 14 percent since 2002. The number of those charged with juvenile crimes has dropped almost 37 percent. Juvenile statistics within Mecklenburg County were consistent with these numbers.

Statistics can be misleading, but I do hope these are indicative of the work and resources put towards juveniles in North Carolina. For more information about juvenile statistics, click here.

Criminal Law Updates Provided By The Law Office of Carilyn Ibsen PLLC (888)543-2427


posted by Carilyn Ibsen at


Blogger Unknown said...

I heard a lot of civil recovery cases and of the offenders were teenagers. It really alarming to hear news such as this kind it seems like there are a lot of unguided youths nowadays,and it really is frustrating to hear. I hope the government and their parents will do something about it.

December 7, 2012 at 5:06 PM  

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